Anyone that knows me knows that organisation is not my thing!  That’s why we’ve called in the experts and today we have a guest post by Kirsty from Project Sort and here’s her top tips to be better organised in the kitchen!

Tip 1 : De-clutter and Organise
The greatest gift you can give yourself to ensure a smooth running kitchen, is to invest the time in organising and clearing out your pantry.
Create zones and utilise large containers for foods of similarity.  A clearly labelled “snacks” container works great for storing individually packaged dry goods such as chip or biscuits packets.  Also ensure you create a space for lunchboxes and drink bottles to be easily stored.  One item that can help keep those pesky drink bottles in order is this $4 Kmart stackable bottle holder (ooh and it works for wine bottles too!).

Tip 2 : Stock your pantry like a pro
If you can afford to do it, a great time saver is buying in bulk.  I usually aim to have at least one month’s worth of dry goods and snacks on hand at all times.  The last thing you need to be worrying about on a Sunday night is what the kids will be eating for lunch the next day!
This also means you’ll only have to organise the pantry once every few weeks or so.  It is also a great idea to stock up on things like snap lock bags, cling wrap, napkins and any other items that you use regularly.

Tip 3 : Remove food from its packaging
Not only will it save you space but it will also help you to quickly note what you’re running low on.  I don’t know about you, but I’ve noticed that kids (and sometimes husbands) have a habit of taking the last of an item from the packet and leaving the empty box.  Avoid a last minute dash to the shops by decanting items from their larger packaging and recycling where you can.

Tip 4 : Encourage independence
Try to organise everything in your pantry, and your fridge, at a kid friendly level.  If your kids are old enough, then encourage them to pack their own lunches in the mornings.  This little bit of trust will go a long way to instilling a sense of responsibility for their own nourishment.

Tip 5 : Meal Prep
Meal planning is a must!  Not only does it save you time because you don’t have to think about what to prepare for dinner every day but it also saves you time with your grocery shopping as you have specific meals to buy for and it should mean less waste at the end of the day so maybe money saved too!
Incorporate your weekly prep into your Sunday night dinner routine. Utilise any downtime you have while cooking. You’re already in the kitchen so it makes the task feel less arduous!

As a full time working mum I usually only have a couple of hours in the evening to squeeze everything in. This is why we use a “sort by day” system. In the kitchen we use a separate container, clearly labelled, for each day of the week. It’s much easier to just dump the contents into a bag or lunchbox, than it is to have to
choose what to pack when you’re running late and haven’t even brushed your teeth yet.
We use the same system for my son’s daycare clothes. Each container is packed on a Sunday night with what he’ll be wearing, and each afternoon when he gets home his shoes go into the next day’s container so that they’re ready for the morning.

I hope these tips help you to get..and stay…organised in the kitchen!

Kirsty xx

Kirsty, is a working Mum with a love affair for pantries and organised spaces.
Do yourself a favour and follow Kirsty on…
Our Penrith
Author: Our Penrith